Upcoming events

    • 8 Jul 2024
    • 08:00
    • 28 Jul 2024
    • 16:00
    • NSW, SA, Qld

    A few of us have said they are keen to have a good look around the Flinders Ranges. I’d like to have another run at the Simpson Desert as well. And then there is the newest outback Dinosaur area, that we didn’t visit in 2022, and is sort of on the way home… So this trip is all that and more.

    We will be four days in the Flinders Ranges before heading up to the Simpson Desert, with a lot to see in between! Because we are driving Jeeps with limited fuel range we will go half way up the Birdsville Track before taking the K1 Line to Poeppel Corner, where SA, Qld and the NT meet in the middle of the Simpson Desert, before heading East to Birdsville.

    This is a legitimate Simpson Desert crossing, just shorter, avoiding the least pleasant bit, but still doing the biggest of the sand dunes! The one thing that can make this trip impossible is flooding on the Warburton and Eyre Creeks (they were closed most of 2023).

    This will be my fourth attempt at the K1 Line, it was closed in 2010 because of flooding. Two of us broke suspension in 2018 (but the rest made it!!) and then Covid stopped us in 2020 so this is my “Fourth Time Lucky”.

    For this trip all vehicles must be able to carry at least 100 liters of fuel. The trip is not suitable for camper trailers unless you are willing to skip the Desert tracks to Poeppel Corner and on to Birdsville over sand dunes. You could tow direct to Birdsville with a really decent off road trailer and meet us there. (Be prepared for punctures!)

    Day 1 Monday 8 July - Sydney to Cobar via Mudgee and Dubbo 686km

    Day 2 Tuesday 9 July - Cobar to Broken Hill 457km

    Day 3 Wednesday 10 July – Day off at Broken Hill / Silverton 50km

    Day 4 Thursday 11 July - Broken Hill to Arkaroola Gammon Ranges 480km

    Day 5 Friday 12 July - Day at Arkaroola (self drive tours) 100km

    Day 6 Saturday 13 July - Arkaroola to SkyTrek Willow Springs 203km

    Day 7 Sunday 14 July – Day at SkyTrek Willow Springs (self drive tour) 80km

    Day 8 Monday 15 July - Willow Springs to Copley through the Flinders Ranges 153km

    Day 9 Tuesday 16 July - Copley to Muloorina Level Post Bay (if open) 256km

    If Level Post Bay (Lake Eyre) is closed we will camp at Farina (60km) or Marree (114km)

    Day 10 Wednesday 17 July - Muloorina to Mungerannie 258km

    Day 11 Thursday 18 July - Mungerannie to Poeppel Corner (K1 Line) 301km

    Day 12 Friday 19 July - Poeppel Corner to Birdsville (Big Sand Dunes) 165km

    Days 11 & 12 = 479km, High and Low Range 4WD - No Fuel Available

    Day 13 Saturday 20 July - Day at Birdsville

    Day 14 Sunday 21 July - Birdsville to Innaminka via Cordillo Downs 419km

    No Fuel between Birdsville and Innaminka, High Range driving

    Day 15 Monday 22 July - Day at Innaminka Burke & Will’s Graves 50km

    Day 16 Tuesday 23 July - Innaminka to Eromanga via the Dig Tree 390km

    Day 17 Wednesday 24 July - Day at Eromanga (Dinosaur Museum) 10km

    Day 18 Thursday 25 July - Eromanga to Charleville (Star Gazing) 317km

    Day 19 Friday 26 July - Charleville to Bush Tucker Inn & Caravan Park Barringun 317km

    Day 20 Saturday 27 July - Bush Tucker Inn to Nyngan 337km

    Day 21 Sunday 28 July - Nyngan to Sydney 555km

    Total Trip Distance Sydney to Sydney = 5584km (call it 5600km)

    Please Consider! To go we need AT LEAST 3 vehicles. Maximum number would be 8 to 10. Please Register if you would like to come along – Club Members only. If you didn't get an Itinerary at the December meeting and would like a PDF version, I have attached one in Members – Forums – Trip Talk.



    • 7 Aug 2024
    • 19:30 - 21:00
    • Dooleys Regents Park Pavilion, 67 Regent St, Regents Park

    The AGM and August club meeting is on Wednesday the 7th of August at Dooleys Regents Park Pavilion, 7.30PM - 9PM

    The meeting will commence with the Annual General Meeting and committee elections - all committee places will be vacated and opened for re-election. This is a great opportunity for anyone interested in taking a more active role in the management of the club.

    All Committee positions are available for election.

    Please let the Secretary know if you are interested in nominating yourself or others at Secretary@sydneyjeep.club. You can also self nominate at the meeting or someone else. Please ensure you have spoken to the other candidate and have their approval before nominating them.

    Sydney Jeep Club Committee Positions:


    - Presides over and runs all general meetings of the club

    - Ensures the club abides by the club constitution

    - Sets the direction for the club

    - Ensure the club acts in a responsible manner in not only the 4wding community but the broader community

    - Looks at the year ahead as a whole and set some clear goals on what should be achieved in that year, get support from the committee and club and ensure a plan is in place to achieve those objectives (including fund-raising activities, community donations and participation, etc).

    - Will have knowledge of all activities of the club and its members (where possible acknowledging illness, births, accidents, etc).


    - Perform the duties of the President during his/her absence or at his/her request

    - Assists the president wherever possible or other committee members

    - Supports all committee members, assisting publicity/membership officer in particular seeking out support for the club (raffle donations, support for club run events, etc)

    - Assists with running of large club activities


    - Keeps records of all the proceedings of all ordinary general meetings, annual general meetings and special general meetings of the club and of all meetings of the committee

    - Is responsible for all correspondence in connection with the club.

    - Opens all correspondence

    - Manages all out going correspondence


    - Pays all monies due

    - Records in books of account the receipt and expenditure of all monies connected with the club.

    - Presents a yearly financial statement.

    - Reimburses club members on presentation of receipt for any items purchased for the club (eg: raffle prizes).

    Trip coordinator

    - Responsible for a yearly trip program for the club.

    - Instructs and educates trip leaders of their responsibilities (eg: convoy procedures, communications, etc).

    - Regularly checks 4wd websites (including National Parks, etc) to ensure club members are updated with track conditions, track closures, track conditions of entry etc.

    - Ensures the club doesn’t go anywhere it shouldn’t.

    - Understands the tread lightly policy and ensure that club members are aware of our responsibility in the community and promoting responsible 4wding.

    - Helps trip leaders plan trips

    Membership Officer

    - Responsible for membership of the club.

    - Looks at ways to maintain current members and welcoming new members to the club.

    - Maintains the membership records for the club

    - Sends out welcome packs


    - Responsible for the maintenance of the club website

    - Reviews significant changes or amendments of content, style or layout with the committee.

    - Works with the committee to ensure the website reflects well of the club in the broader community, promoting responsible 4wd and reflects the needs of the members.

    Social Media

    - Responsible for the maintenance of the clubs social media presence

    - Reviews significant changes or amendments of content, style or layout with the committee.

    - Seeks input from the entire club to participate in the social media presence

    Association Delegate

    - Attends association meetings.

    - Reports minutes of the club general meetings.

    - Club liaison officer at the association meetings.

    General Committee

    - Assist with special projects and duties as required

    All members and guests welcome - come along and have a meal at the club bistro before the meeting.

    Please consider joining the club, $5 for 1 year or $10 for 5 years gets you a discount on meals and drinks, and $20 in your Birthday month (basically a free meal).


    Regent St Pavilion | DOOLEYS Club

    Regent St Pavilion - Google Maps

    • 11 Aug 2024
    • 09:00 - 16:30
    • Meet: The Lolly Bug, Little Hartley 9:00 for 9:30 Departure

    Exploring the Gibraltar Rock and Cox's River area trails. We can expect interesting tracks, possibly muddy and stunning views. Depending on weather, tracks are steep in parts, but not too challenging. Finishing the day's fun at Cox's River suspension bridge before departure home.

    Approximate route details: Enter at Sandy Hook / Gunbenang and through the Kanangra - Boyd National Park to the Six Foot Track and to the famous suspension bridge over the Cox's River.  

    Release Point: Cox's River Road near Gt Western Highway.

    What to expect: Various grades, C/C+. Some areas may have a higher grade due to track wear etc.

    Suitability: Novice skill levels and all 4WD Jeeps welcome (See Requirements below).

    Numbers: Limited to 10 Jeeps including the trip leader.

    Where: Gibraltar Rock, Cox's River and 6 Foot Track area

    Meet: The Lolly Bug, Little Hartley 9:00 for 9:30 Departure

    Vehicle Requirements: Recovery points front and rear, slide/rock rails ideal, own recovery gear if needed, 2” lift would be beneficial in some of the areas to be covered, good off-road tyres.

    Convoy Drills: Max Speed off road is 40Km/h. Remember, you are responsible for keeping the vehicle behind you in view. If not in view, wait and inform trip leader by radio. 

    Comms: UHF Channel 15 (Club Channel). Comms check prior to convoy moves.

    First Aid: All vehicles must carry first aid kits with participants knowledgeable on their use.

    Resupply: This is a remote area. Ensure adequate fuel, water and food for the duration of participation. 

    Waste Disposal: Pack it in – pack it out. Tread lightly.

    Trip Leader: Mark Montgomery Tel 0432 399390

    • 31 Aug 2024
    • 12:00
    • 1 Sep 2024
    • 16:00
    • Meet: Bago Maze and Wine 197 Lambs Rd, Herons Creek NSW 2439

    Join members for a wine tasting, wheeling and camping weekend in Bago Bluff National Park.

    We will meet at a local winery before a short drive to finish the day at a well know local lookout - Bago Bluff. Members will then have the option to camp and explore the local 4WD tracks the following day. Campsite details TBC.

    Approximate route details: TBC.

    Release Point: TBC.

    What to expect: Various grades, C/C+. Some areas may have a higher grade due to track wear etc.

    Suitability: Novice skill levels and all 4WD Jeeps welcome (See Requirements below).

    Numbers: Limited to 10 Jeeps including the trip leader.

    Where: Off-roading around Bago Bluff NP trails.

    Meet: Bago Maze and Wine 197 Lambs Rd, Herons Creek NSW 2439

    Vehicle Requirements: Recovery points front and rear, slide/rock rails ideal, own recovery gear if needed, 2” lift would be beneficial in some of the areas to be covered, good off-road tyres.

    Convoy Drills: Max Speed off road is 40Km/h. Remember, you are responsible for keeping the vehicle behind you in view. If not in view, wait and inform trip leader by radio. 

    Comms: UHF Channel 15 (Club Channel). Comms check prior to convoy moves.

    First Aid: All vehicles must carry first aid kits with participants knowledgeable on their use.

    Resupply: This is a remote area. Ensure adequate fuel, water and food for the duration of participation. 

    Waste Disposal: Pack it in – pack it out. Tread lightly.

    Trip Leader: Mark Montgomery Tel 0432 399390

    • 4 Sep 2024
    • 19:30 - 21:00
    • Dooleys Regents Park Pavilion, 67 Regent St, Regents Park

    The September club meeting is on Wednesday the 4th of September at Dooleys Regents Park Pavilion, 7.30PM - 9PM

    All members and guests welcome - come along and have a meal at the club bistro before the meeting.

    Please consider joining the club, $5 for 1 year or $10 for 5 years gets you a discount on meals and drinks, and $20 in your Birthday month (basically a free meal).


    Regent St Pavilion | DOOLEYS Club

    Regent St Pavilion - Google Maps

    • 6 Sep 2024
    • 8 Sep 2024
    • 3 sessions
    • Sydney Dragway, Eastern Creek

    For many years, the Sydney Jeep Club has had a stand at the 4WD Adventure Show to support the 4WD Association and to promote both the Sydney Jeep Club and club membership in general.

    Our Association rep, Barry Caudle, has an excellent relationship with the organisers and always manages to put us in a prime position. At last year's event we were able to have one or two Jeeps on the stand which attracted a lot of attention, plus we were asked to take visitors around the test track in a Jeep.

    Participation by the Club is dependent on members volunteering to spend time manning the club stand. We would anticipate having two vehicles displayed each day, and they would need to arrive by 8am, and could not depart until after 5pm.

    In addition, we would need at least 2 more members for each half day.

    In the past, we have had some members having to spend 2 or 3 complete days at the show to ensure that the club stand is manned continuously. It is not viable for the club to commit to having the stand if we do not have the commitment of the members to participate.

    We need your support - if you are willing to commit to spending at least a half day on the club stand, please register as soon as you can. We will need sufficient numbers of members before we can apply for a stand.

    It is likely that you will need to pay your own way into the show, although there will be an opportunity to volunteer directly to the 4WD NSW & ACT Association to spend time working for them to gain free entry, but this time would need to be in addition to the time spent on the SJC stand.

    Sydney 4WD and Adventure Show (4wdshow.com.au)


    Julian Olencewicz


    • 2 Oct 2024
    • 19:30 - 21:00
    • Dooleys Regents Park Pavilion, 67 Regent St, Regents Park

    The October club meeting is on Wednesday the 2nd of October at Dooleys Regents Park Pavilion, 7.30PM - 9PM

    All members and guests welcome - come along and have a meal at the club bistro before the meeting.

    Please consider joining the club, $5 for 1 year or $10 for 5 years gets you a discount on meals and drinks, and $20 in your Birthday month (basically a free meal).


    Regent St Pavilion | DOOLEYS Club

    Regent St Pavilion - Google Maps

    • 6 Nov 2024
    • 19:30 - 21:00
    • Dooleys Regents Park Pavilion, 67 Regent St, Regents Park

    The November club meeting is on Wednesday the 6th of November at Dooleys Regents Park Pavilion, 7.30PM - 9PM

    All members and guests welcome - come along and have a meal at the club bistro before the meeting.

    Please consider joining the club, $5 for 1 year or $10 for 5 years gets you a discount on meals and drinks, and $20 in your Birthday month (basically a free meal).


    Regent St Pavilion | DOOLEYS Club

    Regent St Pavilion - Google Maps

    • 4 Dec 2024
    • 19:30 - 21:00
    • Dooleys Regents Park Pavilion, 67 Regent St, Regents Park

    The December club meeting is on Wednesday the 4th of December at Dooleys Regents Park Pavilion, 7.30PM - 9PM

    All members and guests welcome - come along and have a meal at the club bistro before the meeting.

    Please consider joining the club, $5 for 1 year or $10 for 5 years gets you a discount on meals and drinks, and $20 in your Birthday month (basically a free meal).


    Regent St Pavilion | DOOLEYS Club

    Regent St Pavilion - Google Maps

    • 3 Oct 2025
    • 6 Oct 2025
    • The Springs 4x4 Park Queensland

    2025 Jeep Jamboree.

    Hosted by Toowoomba Jeepers at The Springs 4x4 Park Queensland.

    More details to follow when available.

    Please register your interest by RSVP - we'd love to have a large SJC contingent.

Past events

21 Jul 2024 Lithgow's Famous Tracks 0900 21 Jul 2024
3 Jul 2024 July Club Meeting
30 Jun 2024 Mount Airly
15 Jun 2024 Ladies Drive Day
5 Jun 2024 June Club Meeting
1 May 2024 May Club Meeting
25 Apr 2024 Anzac day / weekend camping trip - Rydal region
3 Apr 2024 April Club Meeting
24 Mar 2024 Bonfire Hill - around the back
6 Mar 2024 March Club Meeting
10 Feb 2024 Zig Zag - explore some trails
7 Feb 2024 February Club Meeting
4 Feb 2024 Ladies Drive Day - Zig Zag
28 Jan 2024 Capertee to Sunny Corner
6 Dec 2023 December Club Meeting
26 Nov 2023 Bonfire Hill. The time I went into a ditch.
25 Nov 2023 Lady Driver Day - Zig Zag Area 0830 for 0900, Sat 25 Nov 2023
1 Nov 2023 November Club Meeting
27 Oct 2023 Putty Road Loop Recce
21 Oct 2023 Stockton Beach run
15 Oct 2023 Rydal - the bit we missed
14 Oct 2023 4WD Association Basic Training
4 Oct 2023 October Club Meeting
6 Sep 2023 September Club Meeting
27 Aug 2023 Rydal - exploring tracks for all jeeps
26 Aug 2023 4WD Association Advanced Training
5 Aug 2023 Great North Rd Convict Trail / Howes Valley Trail - easy grade scenic drive
2 Aug 2023 August Club Meeting and AGM
5 Jul 2023 July Club Meeting
1 Jul 2023 4WD Association Basic Training
25 Jun 2023 Bonfire Hill - another route
9 Jun 2023 Classic Not Plastic 2023
7 Jun 2023 June Club Meeting
27 May 2023 Great North Rd Convict Trail / Howes Valley Trail - D/C+ grade scenic drive
13 May 2023 4WD Association Basic Training
3 May 2023 May Club Meeting
5 Apr 2023 April Club Meeting
1 Mar 2023 March Club Meeting
1 Feb 2023 February Club Meeting
2 Nov 2022 November Club Meeting
5 Oct 2022 October Club Meeting
9 Sep 2022 4WD and Adventure Show
7 Sep 2022 September Club Meeting
3 Aug 2022 August Club Meeting and AGM
30 Jul 2022 4WD Supa Centre - Best Rig competition
6 Jul 2022 July Club Meeting
11 Jun 2022 ON ALL 4'S CHALLENGE
10 Jun 2022 Classic Not Plastic 2022
1 Jun 2022 June Club Meeting
4 May 2022 May Club Meeting
14 Apr 2022 Camp Coffs 2022 April 14-18
6 Apr 2022 April club meeting
2 Mar 2022 March Club Meeting - Gladesville Sporties Club 7.30pm
4 Feb 2022 Yalwal Fun#1 Feb 4-6 , 2022
2 Feb 2022 Club Meeting - Gladesville Sporties club 7.30pm
9 Jan 2022 Lake Lyell / Rydal C+/B Options 09/01/2022
1 Dec 2021 AGM Club Meeting - Venue Gladesville Sporties club 7.30pm
21 Nov 2021 ZigZag, Prado Trail (Ben’s Trail) Lost City, Beecroft Trail
6 Nov 2021 KILLY LOOP B - B+
3 Nov 2021 Club Meeting - Gladesville Sporties club 7.30pm (outdoors seating)
20 Oct 2021 Committee meeting - Google Meet
9 Oct 2021 Cancelled - Basic Training 9 October
6 Oct 2021 Club Meeting - Online Google Meet 7.30pm
15 Sep 2021 Committee meeting - Google Meet
1 Sep 2021 Club Meeting - Online Google Meet 7.30pm
28 Aug 2021 Postponed - Advanced Training weekend 28 / 29 August
4 Aug 2021 Club Meeting - Online Google Meet 7.30pm
10 Jul 2021 Postponed! Basic Training 10 July. New dates TBA
7 Jul 2021 Club Meeting - Via Google Meet 7.30pm
27 Jun 2021 Monkey Gum - Yalwal
19 Jun 2021 Freemans Waterhole Testing Day
16 Jun 2021 Committee Meeting - Google Meet
11 Jun 2021 Classic Not Plastic 2021
6 Jun 2021 ZigZag, Prado Trail (Ben’s Trail) Lost City, Beecroft Trail to the Wolgan Rd.
2 Jun 2021 Club Meeting - Venue Gladesville Sporties club 7.30pm
19 May 2021 Committee meeting - Google Meet
15 May 2021 Basic Training 15 May
5 May 2021 Club Meeting - Venue Gladesville Sporties club 7.30pm
25 Apr 2021 Wheeney Creek - B/B+ graded
21 Apr 2021 Committee meeting - Google Meet
11 Apr 2021 POSTPONED TO 11 April - ZigZag, Prado Trail (Ben’s Trail) Lost City, Beecroft Trail to the Wolgan Rd...
7 Apr 2021 Club Meeting - Venue Gladesville Sporties club 7.30pm
19 Mar 2021 Postponed due to inclement weather - SJC Autumn Rally 2021
5 Mar 2021 Camp Coffs 2021
3 Mar 2021 Club Meeting - Venue Gladesville Sporties club 7.30pm
28 Feb 2021 Stockton Beach
20 Feb 2021 Awaba to Drury Lane - Watagans: 20 Feb 21
17 Feb 2021 Committee meeting - Google Meet
3 Feb 2021 February Club Meeting - Gladesville Sporties
31 Jan 2021 C-grade/Beginners trip -Sunday 31 January 2021-Turon River to Sunny Corner
Copyright 2024 The Sydney JP Four Wheel Drive Club
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