NOTE: This is a placeholder for the event, we will update with more details closer to the date once arrangements have been finalised.
For many years, the Sydney Jeep Club has had a stand at the 4WD Adventure Show to support the 4WD Association and to promote both the Sydney Jeep Club and club membership in general.
Our Association rep, Barry Caudle, has an excellent relationship with the organisers and always manages to put us in a prime position.
Participation by the Club is dependent on members volunteering to spend time manning the club stand. We would anticipate having two vehicles displayed each day, and they would need to arrive by 8am, and could not depart until after 5pm.
In addition, we would need at least 2 more members for each half day.
In the past, we have had some members having to spend 2 or 3 complete days at the show to ensure that the club stand is manned continuously. It is not viable for the club to commit to having the stand if we do not have the commitment of the members to participate.
We need your support - if you are willing to commit to spending at least a half day on the club stand, please register as soon as you can. We will need sufficient numbers of members before we can apply for a stand.
It is likely that you will need to pay your own way into the show, although there will be an opportunity to volunteer directly to the 4WD NSW & ACT Association to spend time working for them to gain free entry, but this time would need to be in addition to the time spent on the SJC stand.
Sydney 4WD and Adventure Show (
Julian Olencewicz