GlenD and I have been planning an an Outback - Western NSW 4WD tour following the Darling River, with side trips, for April 2013. It will involve easy driving on bitumen and good D grade dirt roads (possible C grade options). The trip is open to 4WD and AWD Jeeps, modified or stock, camper trailers are welcome and the trip is pet friendly. If you want inland river fishing, this is the trip!
Our proposed itinerary starts and finishes in Sydney;
Day 1 - Monday 15 April
Sydney to Wagga Wagga 458km
Day 2 - Tuesday 16 April
Wagga Wagga to Balranald 397km
Balranald to Penarie 27km
Day 3 - Wednesday 17 April
Penarie to Mungo National Park 130km
Sightseeing at Mungo National Park 100km
Some of us may camp at Mungo National Park
Any of us that wish to can continue to Pooncarie for the night.
Mungo National Park to Pooncarie 98km
Day 4 - Thursday 18 April
Mungo National Park (OR Pooncarie) to Kinchenga National Park - Menindee Lakes 200km (OR 100km from Pooncarie)
Day 5 – Friday 19 April
Sightseeing at Kinchenga National Park - Menindee Lakes 50km
Day 6 – Saturday 20 April
Kinchenga National Park to Broken Hill 118km
Day 7 - Sunday 21 April
Sightseeing around Broken Hill
Day 8 – Monday 22 April
Broken Hill to White Cliffs 251km
Day 9 - Tuesday 23 April
White Cliffs to Wilcannia to Tilpa 222km
Day 10 – Wednesday 24 April
Tilpa to Bourke to Nyngan 316km
Day 11 – Thursday 25 April
Nyngan to Sydney 555km
Please consider. If you would like more information, please PM me with your email address. I have a more detailed itinerary that I can email to you, and I will bring copies to the next club meeting.