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  • August Club Meeting and AGM

August Club Meeting and AGM

  • 3 Aug 2022
  • 19:30 - 21:00
  • Gladesville Sporties 181A Ryde Rd, Gladesville NSW 2111


Registration is closed

The August 3 Club meeting is the AGM and will be at the Gladesville Sporties club, after the general meeting.

All members and guests welcome - come down early for a meal at the bistro before the meeting.

Please assist us to comply with all COVID regulations as required at the time. https://www.nsw.gov.au/covid-19

Gladesville Sporties

181A Ryde Rd, Gladesville NSW 2111

(02) 9817 4601


Dear Members

This is the official notice of the Sydney Jeep Club AGM, to be held on
3 August 2022 at Gladesville Sporties club following the August general meeting.

1. Opening of Meeting
2. Apologies
3. Confirmation of Minutes of previous Annual General Meeting
4. Treasurer’s report
5. Election of New Committee
6. Closure and vote of thanks for outgoing committee

All Committee positions are available for election.
Please let the Secretary know if you are interested in nominating
yourself or others at Secretary@sydneyjeep.club.
You can also self nominate at the meeting or someone else. Please
ensure you have spoken to the other candidate and have their approval
before nominating them.

Sydney Jeep Club Committee Positions:
- Presides over and runs all general meetings of the club
- Ensures the club abides by the club constitution
- Sets the direction for the club
- Ensure the club acts in a responsible manner in not only the 4wding
community but the broader community
- Looks at the year ahead as a whole and set some clear goals on what
should be achieved in that year, get support from the committee and
club and ensure a plan is in place to achieve those objectives
(including fund-raising activities, community donations and
participation, etc).
- Will have knowledge of all activities of the club and its members
(where possible acknowledging illness, births, accidents, etc).

- Perform the duties of the President during his/her absence or at
his/her request
- Assists the president wherever possible or other committee members
- Supports all committee members, assisting publicity/membership
officer in particular seeking out support for the club (raffle
donations, support for club run events, etc)
- Assists with running of large club activities

- Keeps records of all the proceedings of all ordinary general
meetings, annual general meetings and special general meetings of the
club and of all meetings of the committee
- Is responsible for all correspondence in connection with the club.
- Opens all correspondence
- Manages all out going correspondence

- Pays all monies due
- Records in books of account the receipt and expenditure of all
monies connected with the club.
- Presents a yearly financial statement.
- Reimburses club members on presentation of receipt for any items
purchased for the club (eg: raffle prizes).

Trip coordinator
- Responsible for a yearly trip program for the club.
- Instructs and educates trip leaders of their responsibilities (eg:
convoy procedures, communications, etc).
- Regularly checks 4wd websites (including National Parks, etc) to
ensure club members are updated with track conditions, track closures,
track conditions of entry etc.
- Ensures the club doesn’t go anywhere it shouldn’t.
- Understands the tread lightly policy and ensure that club members
are aware of our responsibility in the community and promoting
responsible 4wding.
- Helps trip leaders plan trips

Membership Officer
- Responsible for membership of the club.
- Looks at ways to maintain current members and welcoming new members
to the club.
- Maintains the membership records for the club
- Sends out welcome packs

- Responsible for the maintenance of the club website
- Reviews significant changes or amendments of content, style or
layout with the committee.
- Works with the committee to ensure the website reflects well of the
club in the broader community, promoting responsible 4wd and  reflects
the needs of the members.

Social Media
- Responsible for the maintenance of the clubs social media presence
- Reviews significant changes or amendments of content, style or
layout with the committee.
- Seeks input from the entire club to participate in the social media presence

Association Delegate
- Attends association meetings.
- Reports minutes of the club general meetings.
- Club liaison officer at the association meetings.

General Committee
- Assist with special projects and duties as required

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