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Stockton Beach

  • 28 Feb 2021
  • 09:00 - 15:00
  • S32.824762 E151.866588 - MEET @ STOCKTON BEACH CAR PARK

Registration is closed

Hi Jeepers,

This is my first trip as a Trip Leader with the Sydney Jeep Club and hope to make it a memorable one for us all. Your support will be greatly appreciated.

Stockton Beach day-trip is very popular and spaces fill quickly. Limited to 10 Vehicles so register fast. 

Bring some swimmers if you want to go for a dip. Weather looks promising.

A day trip to climb dunes and soft sand driving on Stockton Beach.

It’ll be a day of 4×4 driving on very low tire pressure and high gear. No experience required. We might play with exhaust jack, high lift jack and tire change on soft sand, time permitting. May be practice some recoveries too!!

We shall meet at the Stockton Beach carpark. Co-ordinate is S32.824762 E151.866588. Follow Lavis Lane and in about 2.5 Km you’ll see a house on the left, turn into the sandy lane on the right, and follow it to the car park. Air down here. Recommended pressure is below 20 psi. We will meet there.

Note: the map marker here only shows Lavis Ln in general, not the exact meeting point.

A sand flag is highly recommended (but not a must), please hoist it at least 1.5m above the roof height at the front.

Other equipment necessary are: UHF radio ( club channel is 15, handheld will be ok), rated recovery points, snatch straps and rated bow shackles. Sand recovery gears such as Max Trax are highly recommended (especially if you do not have rated recovery points). Do not forget to pack your lunch and plenty of fluids.

Please get your day permit at the Metro Petroleum service station before entering Lavis Lane. It could take 15-2O minutes to get through the long queue on a Sunday.

See you all on Sunday.

Feel free to call / whatsapp me should you have any queries or will be runing late on that day.

Raja: 0402 374747

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